Tuesday 17 May 2016

OUTFIT | Heena's Collection

I'm quite surprised at myself for having 2 different looks and posts out within a week.
I guess I'm slowly getting back into it all, and I promise you I'm going to be consistent now, except for maybe during the Ramadan period, as it may be difficult to take pictures and submit posts unless you guys don't mind reading me blab on for ages? Then I am more than happy to share random posts! xD

So today I bring you an outfit by the lovely @Heenas_Collection 
Firstly thank you so much for reaching out to me, I am honestly humbled. 
Now I'm going to begin by saying if there is any colour I do not like wearing (don't ask me why!) then it's peach. I've just never liked it, and think it doesn't always look flattering but this is the first time I have disagreed with myself, and actually happily wore a peach outfit.

Now I'm not much of a fan of asian clothes, simply because I don't always think they are the most comfortable of outfits depending on the quality and material; however let's just take a moment to talk about how comfortable this outfit was. It was so soft and just comfortable to wear. 
And in addition to those perks, it was so easy to iron, in fact it didn't even need much ironing when it got delivered to me, because let's face it normally asian outfits are like the easiest things to crease up and it's a headache to iron or steam them.

If you guys are looking for casual yet stylish asian attire then you should seriously check out Heena's Collection on Instagram, especially with the hot weather and Ramadan around the corner. They are really breezy and perfect for the heat too.

I hope to bring you guys more posts and more looks. 
Apologises for the lack of pictures this time round, I wasn't feeling too well over the weekend.

Love you all. Big hugs xx

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